Confident Speaking
Say too many Um’s and Ah’s when you speak? Have sweaty palms, a shaky voice, a racing heart? Get bowled over with nerves every time you go to speak publicly?
… kiss those pesky nerves goodbye and farewell those limiting beliefs and awkward habits
The Confident Speaking Mini Course is a 10 part video series
that tackles nerves and outdated habits head-on so you can get out there and
start speaking with confidence as quickly as you can say “get me outta here”!
Get instant access for just $37
Confident Speaking
Say too many Um’s and Ah’s when you speak? Have sweaty palms, a shaky voice, a racing heart? Get bowled over with nerves every time you go to speak publicly?
… kiss those pesky nerves goodbye and farewell those limiting beliefs and awkward habits
The Confident Speaking Mini Course is a 10 part video series
that tackles nerves and outdated habits head-on so you can get out there and
start speaking with confidence as quickly as you can say “get me outta here”!
Get instant access for just $37
You are a professional, service based business, coach or consultant who knows you need to be showing up and speaking more but nerves and self doubt keep you hiding behind your laptop and saying NO to speaking opportunities
You were hired for your expertise. You are the face of your business. Your future hinges on you showing up and being visible. But when you speak …
>> You say too many um’s and ah’s
>> Your voice is shaky
>> You don’t know what to do with your hands
>> Your ideas aren’t being heard
>> You ramble and stumble over your words
>> You draw blank and forget what you were going to say
You are great at what you do but you don’t come across that way when you speak
Imagine being able to step up and speak confidently in meetings, deliver engaging presentations to your team or even do a speech at short notice
Imagine if you could …
- Speak up in meetings knowing you’ll be listened to
- Feel calm and in control when you share your message
- Gain the respect of colleagues and clients
- Not have to worry about what other people think when you share your ideas
- Know how to speak to engage your audience rather than turn them away
- Have the confidence to Say YES to speaking
- Never again let those pesky nerves knock your confidence and make you feel that you should just keep quiet
- Be known and respected for what you bring to the table
And, without changing who you are and instead, showing up as the best and most magnetic version of YOU
Mini Course
A 10 part, self paced video program that shines the light on your nerves,
dives into those compensating behaviours and shows you a clear path to speaking confidence
Mind Matters
I’ll hand you the keys to positive psychology.
Body Matters
get out of your head and into your body where authenticity lives
Voice Matter
connect to your voice and watch your audience tune in for more
You watch others at work and in your space showing up everywhere! They’re the confident ones.
You have always just accepted that you’re not good at public speaking and they should just choose someone else.
But you deserve to be noticed and heard. You deserve to be listened to and understood. You deserve to be taken seriously. And it is entirely possible for you to shake those limiting beliefs, overcome nerves once and for all and be calm, controlled and engaging when you speak.
You can be that confident one!
It’s time to shake the inner critic, rewrite the story, and step into a new version of YOU!
I’m Sam
I’m a TV presenter and speaking and on-camera coach.
You will currently find me on the Television Shopping Network selling everything from homewares to cosmetics, jewellery to fashion. But you may have seen me promoting a major tourism destination or fronting an advertising campaigns for Telstra.
With a legacy of 30+ years in front of the camera and behind the microphone, I bring a tonne of experience to the game!
But the one thing I see time and time again that holds people back from showing up for their business or career is a lack of confidence.
And that’s why I created
The Confident Speaking Mini Course where I share my industry tips and techniques that will shake the fear right out of your head, kick outdated habits to the kerb and give you a strategy to speak confidently so you can get out there and share your message!
I’m Sam
I’m a TV presenter and speaking and on-camera coach.
You will currently find me on the Television Shopping Network selling everything from homewares to cosmetics, jewellery to fashion. But you may have seen me promoting a major tourism destination or fronting an advertising campaigns for Telstra.
With a legacy of 30+ years in front of the camera and behind the microphone, I bring a tonne of experience to the game!
But the one thing I see time and time again that holds people back from showing up for their business or career is a lack of confidence.
And that’s why I created
The Confident Speaking Mini Course where I share my industry tips and techniques that will shake the fear right out of your head, kick outdated habits to the kerb and give you a strategy to speak confidently so you can get out there and share your message!
Here’s how The Confident Speaking Mini Course is different from anything else out there
- It’s one part psychology, one part speaking and one part industry tips
- It’s created by a TV Presenter with a sh%t tonne of experience and teaching skills
- It’s bite-sized SO YOU CAN do it at your own pace, any time and from anywhere
- It gives you handy checklists SO YOU CAN remember what you’ve learned
- It will teach you how to manage your mindset so you can be the boss
- It will show you how to use your voice so you will be listened to
- You’ll get lifetime access SO YOU CAN come back to it at any time
Wait what exactly is in this course??
Glad you asked. Here is what you get.

Mindset Management
change the narrative and create new neural pathways in the brain

Identify your behaviours
nerves play out differently in everyone. Find out how they play out in you and build a strategy to bid them farewell

Learn to breathe
calm the nerves and bring power to the voice. A double whammy!

Learn to stand
anchor yourself to the earth and connect to your creative energy. Find your calm, anchored stance that exudes confidence and tells you you’ve got this!

Connect with your voice
know how to use the voice consciously to bolster your confidence and credibility
"I’ve worked with Sam in a 1:1 capacity to refine my signature keynote. Sam has helped me to elevate my content and delivery. Sam taught me the intricate details of the science and art of using your voice to deliver a compelling keynote that not only engages the audience, but most importantly spurs them to action (and a standing ovation). Working with Sam has catapulted my speaking business and been a whole lot of fun in the process."
"I’ve worked with Sam in a 1:1 capacity to refine my signature keynote. Sam has helped me to elevate my content and delivery. Sam taught me the intricate details of the science and art of using your voice to deliver a compelling keynote that not only engages the audience, but most importantly spurs them to action (and a standing ovation). Working with Sam has catapulted my speaking business and been a whole lot of fun in the process."
Here's What You'll Get
12 videos (Value $497)
8 checklists (Value $47)
100% Gamechanger
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You'll be free of fear and full of fire ready to show up and speak confidently in all the right places!